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Sandvox User Profile: Larry Stringer

Me and my boys at the park

Location: Kansas City, Missouri, USA

What kind of websites were you planning to build?

I built a website for the tree care service that we own and operate. Because we are constantly working on contracts hundreds of miles outside of our own actual physical location, we needed a site that people could use for information about us.

How did you hear about Sandvox?

I found Sandvox through a basic Google search with the terms free and mac.

What made you decide to get Sandvox?

I chose Sandvox because there is no way I can work with HTML. I needed a simple drag and drop platform, and that is exactly what Sandvox is. What really sealed the deal on Sandvox for me was that it worked so well with A2 hosting.

Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?

What really sold me on sandvox was that it worked so well with A2 hosting. When I used the trial version and created the site I liked, I published to A2 prior to purchasing the license, and it published seamlessly. I have tried other site builders, and usually the biggest drawback is the publishing, but with Sandvox it was super easy.

What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?

Free website builder for mac

Golden Rule Tree Service

Golden Rule Tree Service

“We chose the specific design template because the color scheme and layout was ideal to our logos and industry.”

tree removal pruning trimming certified cabling

We Know Trees

We Know Trees

“The design we chose matched the color scheme and logo we are using for the site. We liked the navigation bar, and the ease of use for when visitors arrive.”

information services tree educational pruning certification