James Shefik
“My website is mainly to share my artwork with people and explain a little about why I do it.” — James Shefik
“I'm just beginning to get the hang of the raw html; and I'm having a blast incorporating the amazon links on the books I have chosen.” — Brian Dalton
Reef Guides Hawaii
“The goal of Malama Ke Kai is to provide a high quality reef snorkeling and learning experience for visitors to Kauai and for the local Kauai community. What sets Malama Ke Kai above other snorkel tours is visitor safety and respect for the reef, as well as the ecological and science focus of the...” — Sidnee Wheelwright
We Know Trees
“The design we chose matched the color scheme and logo we are using for the site. We liked the navigation bar, and the ease of use for when visitors arrive.” — Larry Stringer
The Nuclear Receptor Resource Page
“The insertion of pictures is used quite a bit. Also, a code for showing recent tweets has been used instead of a discussion forum.” — Jack Vanden Heuvel