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Sandvox User Profile: David & Anna Russell

David & Anna Russell

Location: Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

What kind of websites were you planning to build?

We wanted to re-build and update the website for our retail gourmet food shop, where customers could access store information, recipes, and product reviews.

How did you hear about Sandvox?

We found Sandvox on a blog listing reviews of several programs suitable for replacing iWeb.

What made you decide to get Sandvox?

We chose Sandvox after trying demos for it and two other programs. We found it the most intuitive to use, given our entry level knowledge of programming, and was far more affordable than hiring a consultant.

Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?

We like the range of Sandvox templates and up-to-date features like social media links. The fact that we can customize our site and update it whenever we like is especially important and allows us to keep the content fresh.

What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?

replacement for iWeb

FireHouse Gourmet

FireHouse Gourmet

“By inserting raw HTML, we included a splashy looking link to a partner's website in our sidebar. On another page, we included a Google doc with by inserting raw HTML into the page body so that customers can fill out an order form right from our website. Many of our business partners offer HTML...”

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