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Sandvox User Profile: Elham Khalil

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Location: The Netherlands

What kind of websites were you planning to build?

I use only Apple computers and it was logical to choose Sandvox. I wanted a website for the plays I wrote, for drama and stage lovers and producers who are searching for new ideas and stage productions. Everyday I add or change something on the website.

How did you hear about Sandvox?

I was impressed by the effectiveness an easiness demonstrated on the Sandvox website.

What made you decide to get Sandvox?

It is very comprehensive in choices yet very practical and easy to apply. I did not need anyone else to support me. I just started page by page, sentence by sentence and colour by colour!

Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?

Sandvox is simple, clear and easy to apply. All applications are easy to grasp and put to practise. Changes [take only] a second to publish. It is the best program for someone who wants to [get business] with his or her own website and wants this sense of independence. Sandvox gives you for sure this independence and assurance that you can build but you can always keep creating and changing whenever you want to. I should say thank you Sandvox!

What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?

website design program supported by Apple

Welcome to Elham Khalil Website

Welcome to Elham Khalil Website

“I am trying to promote plays, books, and the website should evoke a clear and quiet impression to give the interested the chance to read. Basic lines and soft colours would [allow] more time for the reader to see more pages. Choice of fonts is important; it should be easy to take you through....”

christian english reading communication modern producer