Autism and the Art of Communication
“I chose "Outside the Lines" because that describes how we work (and the visual matched our artistic content). I like the fact that we can replace the photo banner with our own picture featuring the artwork of individuals on the autism spectrum - it gives the site more individual character.” — Sheila Bell
Strategy 4 Life
“The site is the most logical when dealing with the human mind. It radiates mental attitude and thought.” — Robert Lillie
Improving Transport and Accessibility through new Communication Technologies
“The purpose of the website is to tell about the ITRACT project: goal, participants, process, and results. It is funded by European Union with its InterReg NorthSea program.” — Jan Frick
Welcome to Elham Khalil Website
“I am trying to promote plays, books, and the website should evoke a clear and quiet impression to give the interested the chance to read. Basic lines and soft colours would [allow] more time for the reader to see more pages. Choice of fonts is important; it should be easy to take you through....” — Elham Khalil
Communication Technology Resources, LLC
“To design my websites I used the text pages and then the photo page to help describe my products. I used extensive links for users to access pdf downloads with lesson plans and therapy materials.” — Joan Bruno
Winnowing Fan
“I liked the integration of social media and other media elements. My goal is to have an aesthetically pleasing as well as intellectually stimulating site.” — Donna Oglesby
Ollo Foods
“The website is our tool to extend the awareness of our products. We are a relatively young company and needed to be 'out there' promoting the company by building the brand image as 'ollo foods' and the home of passionate & excitingly good food! We are artisan producers, so everything we produce is...” — Dileep Sharma
Learn To Persuade with Dr. Rick Kirschner
“I get email testimonials frequently from people using the course who've found it timely and helpful. "Perfect timing," and "I just came out of a meeting where your most recent tip gave me just what I needed to turn a bad situation around"” — Dr. Rick Kirschner
Hahn-Photography - Photography on the Highest Level
“I needed a black background and a supporting picture that had to do with traveling, Asia etc. The choice was obvious. It shows the only human made structure that can be seen from the moon: the Chinese Great Wall.” — Johan Hahn