Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
What kind of websites were you planning to build?
My goal was to create a website where I could chronicle my work on various tech projects that I was working on. I considered starting a blog but quickly realized that A) The typical blog layout doesn't make for easy reading of a long draw out process like some of my projects turn out to be. and B) I want something that's my own. Not something run by a large social media company. So I started searching.
How did you hear about Sandvox?
A Google search led me on a treacherous journey through web based site creators and cookie cutter website machines. Sandvox came up in several places along the journey.
What made you decide to get Sandvox?
After setting up a few trial runs with some web based website creators I started looking for something I could publish to my own server with domain names I had already registered. I had used Dreamweaver before, but it was way too complicated. I started with the Sandvox trial and made the first few pages of what I thought then would be a blog. I had a ready to publish site within 10 minutes. I had options, I had ease of use, I had my new website editor!
Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?
I am extremely happy with how easily I can update my website. I update almost everyday with new additions to my ongoing projects. I am amazed with all of the built- in features that I can simply drag and drop onto my site. It's up to date with social media integration. But, it also gives me the freedom to paste my own HTML script anywhere I want. When I dabbled in website design using all raw HTML and other less visual methods of editing, I got so frustrated with the process that I never kept my site up to date. With Sandvox I can come home, sit down to a beer, and update today's post with no frustration at all. I can focus on content, not on technical troubleshooting. And at the end of the day.... I think that's what it's all about.
What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?
Random Acts of Tech
“Community is a huge factor with my site. It is necessary for me and others like me to continue doing what we do. For example, I posted a link to my site on a forum about making your own PCB boards. I thought I might get some traffic that way. I was surprised when I received an email reply from that...”