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Sandvox Website Profile: “Random Acts of Tech”

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To build “Random Acts of Tech,” Marcus Cooper chose Sandvox. He chose the “Clockwork Grey” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for custom home built technology.

Sandvox features used for this site:Blog, Custom Collection Index, Contact Form, RSS Feed Object, Raw HTML Object, Google Integration

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Describe your website.

My website is a collection of projects. I update each project as I make progress. Sometimes I work on multiple projects at once. For instance, my project titled Mystery Device is a small electronic device for which I am custom building various components. If some of the processes take some time to be left alone, I will use that time to work on Beerafication. Which is a project where I convert my studio in a community maker space (Artisan's Asylum) into a small "home" brewery. There are 3 main goals I wish to achieve with the site. First, I want a clear history of the entire process of these projects once they are completed. Secondly, I want to provide a resource for people who need some guidance on their own tech endeavors.

Who is the target audience for your website?

The Target audience for is fellow makers and hackers - people who try and make technology work for their specific needs. I think it will be a valuable tool for both children and adults who want to make something. I also think that certain aspects of the site can be enjoyed purely for the entertainment value. There are processes shown that many people never thought existed or possible on a small personal scale. And of course, beer lovers!

What is the advantage of your website over others?

I am targeting an audience that is deeply rooted in a sense of community. Most of the information I post can be found in various forums around the Internet, most with much more technical explanations. However, being a photographer and a decent writer I feel that the project I chronicle are brought to life in a way that most other sites and forums can't.

Tell us a story about this website.

Community is a huge factor with my site. It is necessary for me and others like me to continue doing what we do. For example, I posted a link to my site on a forum about making your own PCB boards. I thought I might get some traffic that way. I was surprised when I received an email reply from that forum from a gentleman who visited my site, read through my progress on a certain project, returned to the forum and posted some tips on how I could improve my process. He also told me that he was inspired the get back into doing things of that nature himself. Since then I have adopted some of his advice and been able to pass it on to my readers.

Why did you use this Sandvox design?

I chose to start out with "Clockwork Grey." It was simple. It gave me enough prebuilt content for me to fill in the things I had already while leaving me enough blank canvas to really make it my own.

What techniques did you use to build this website?

There were a few difficulties that I had to overcome to get exactly what I wanted. I wanted a blog-like set up, but I didn't want it in the typical blog style. I wanted to update the content every day, but I wanted the individual projects to read like stories. I also wanted to give visitors an overview of all of my projects right from the home page; to do that I made all of my projects one large collection and then indexed the collection on the home page. I was really impressed with the variables that I could adjust to get it just right. I also wanted to give readers an option to comment on the projects, as well as sign up for updates on specific projects. For comments, I used with a raw HTML object. I did the same thing with an embeded subscribe form from they both worked beautifully.

Wings are good... the end!

This website was created by Marcus Cooper of Boston, Massachusetts, USA.