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4 Sandvox sites tagged “electronics”



“One thing I needed was subheadings to break up sections, used mainly on the History page, at present. I used raw HTML to surround a string with <h3> tags for this effect. Raw HTML was also used for the book "A Short Course in Programming," which had been hand-coded HTML from the previous website....” — Dave Ruske

Pragmatic Designs Inc.

Pragmatic Designs Inc.

“Having been steadily booked for the past nine years, I haven't needed a website to promote my business. Several long-term contracts are concluding now, however, so updating the site became an urgent priority; Sandvox made it possible for me to put up a new site in less than a week.” — Julia Truchsess

Random Acts of Tech

Random Acts of Tech

“Community is a huge factor with my site. It is necessary for me and others like me to continue doing what we do. For example, I posted a link to my site on a forum about making your own PCB boards. I thought I might get some traffic that way. I was surprised when I received an email reply from that...” — Marcus Cooper



“We use raw html objects usually filled with php code to display fresh content from product data rss feeds whose content may frequently change. Page code injection is used extensively to add the structured data meta tags for publishing on social media, as described above.” — David Paul