Location: London, Ontario, Canada
What kind of websites were you planning to build?
I am a university professor, who just wanted to make a personal website that wasn't simply an adaptation of a boilerplate model made available by my university.
How did you hear about Sandvox?
I had built a website that I liked very much using iWeb. Then, a year ago, my computer was stolen, and when I replaced it with a new Mac, I was distressed to find that they didn't issue iWeb any longer. So I haven't been able to update my website. I hunted around for a replacement program, and found yours. This summer I have had the leisure to rebuild the site.
What made you decide to get Sandvox?
It seemed, from the descriptions, to be precisely aimed at my problem of having lost iWeb. I was particularly pleased that Sandvox could get me started by "extracting" my old website.
John Thorp
“In its previous (iWeb) incarnation, my website attracted an invitation from a distinguished publisher to take on the project of editing a major book. The website had shown that my interests were pretty wide-ranging. In the event, I did not take up this offer, but I was pleased to have had it.”