Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
What kind of websites were you planning to build?
I wanted to build a website to promote my new veterinary house call practice in my area. It needed to be eye-catching, informative, easy to navigate and easy to update.
How did you hear about Sandvox?
A colleague of mine, Mr. Eric Jungemann with VetFM, suggested Sandvox as an iWeb-type program with a lot more versatility that would be good for my business.
What made you decide to get Sandvox?
Initially I decided against Sandvox after trying the demo, because I wanted more control over the colors of things, etc - there was a scheme I really liked but it was Orange, which is my least favorite color. I wanted it to be Purple. Anyway I set off trying some other software; I settled on Freeway, but the closer I got to completion the more issues I came up with. So I came back to Sandvox, chose another design that I like and decided I could learn to tweak the little things I wanted to change over time.
Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?
It's extremely user friendly, not full of jargon I don't understand (that is, unless you feel like digging in and changing things with the template - then we're back in over my head :))
The interface is easy. Creation of an easily navigable site is crazy simple, and I like the idea of a smaller company behind the product, because I feel like they'll be more receptive to my input
I also really like that I can change the design of the site at a click of a button, and I'm not stuck with one design from the outset.
What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?
best wysiwig web design software mac with templates