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Sandvox User Profile: Carrie Schultz, DVM

Dr. Carrie and her dog Sarge

Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA

What kind of websites were you planning to build?

I wanted to build a website to promote my new veterinary house call practice in my area. It needed to be eye-catching, informative, easy to navigate and easy to update.

How did you hear about Sandvox?

A colleague of mine, Mr. Eric Jungemann with VetFM, suggested Sandvox as an iWeb-type program with a lot more versatility that would be good for my business.

What made you decide to get Sandvox?

Initially I decided against Sandvox after trying the demo, because I wanted more control over the colors of things, etc - there was a scheme I really liked but it was Orange, which is my least favorite color. I wanted it to be Purple. Anyway I set off trying some other software; I settled on Freeway, but the closer I got to completion the more issues I came up with. So I came back to Sandvox, chose another design that I like and decided I could learn to tweak the little things I wanted to change over time.

Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?

It's extremely user friendly, not full of jargon I don't understand (that is, unless you feel like digging in and changing things with the template - then we're back in over my head :))

The interface is easy. Creation of an easily navigable site is crazy simple, and I like the idea of a smaller company behind the product, because I feel like they'll be more receptive to my input

I also really like that I can change the design of the site at a click of a button, and I'm not stuck with one design from the outset.

What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?

best wysiwig web design software mac with templates

The Housepet Housevet

The Housepet Housevet

“The best compliment anyone has given me so far is that several people have asked me if my business is a franchise. I figure if they're asking, then they must think my logo, website and promotional materials are pretty well done :)”

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