Carrie Schultz, DVM used Sandvox to build this website. She chose the “Blueball Minimal Colors Teal” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for mobile veterinarian baton rouge.
education business fun dog cat pet mobile veterinary quirky euthanasia housecall veterinarian
Sandvox features used for this site:External Page, Photo Grid, Custom Collection Index, Site Map, Other Objects, Editing HTML of text

Describe your website.
The website is set up to tell people about us and our business, give them an idea of what services we provide, making potential clients feel at ease and eager about our services by including photos of our staff and our happy patients and a page on how to prepare for their first appointment and what to expect. The site should also make it easy to call or email us for more information. My goal is to eventually also provide a large amount of easily accessible resources and pet care information that would be valuable to clients and non-clients alike.
Who is the target audience for your website?
Our target audience is people with pets who struggle with getting to the veterinarian's office. Sometimes this is because they have a cat that gets aggressive, or a dog that gets scared in the car or carsick. Other times it's because they have no transportation or a disability that prevents them from driving. Some dogs are simply just too big to get in their owners car. Most clients are in their 40s to 70s and are very bonded to their pets. They are also often in fairly well paying jobs and place a high value on quality veterinary care. Our in home euthanasia service is also valued by pet owners who have older animals reaching the end of their life, because they can say goodby at home and not in a clinical setting.
What is the advantage of your website over others?
I think my product is unique; currently I don't have any competitors, but I know that will eventually change. I think I just have to do the best I can to show potential clients that I am professional, thorough, accessible, intelligent, and meticulous, all of which will show through my web site, as well as giving them a glimpse of my personality, which I am selling almost as much as my services. Being able to add a unique twist to the site allows me to do that.
Tell us a story about this website.
The best compliment anyone has given me so far is that several people have asked me if my business is a franchise. I figure if they're asking, then they must think my logo, website and promotional materials are pretty well done :)
Why did you use this Sandvox design?
The Stars design is unique (I liked how the tabs changed to a star when moused over) fun and modern. I would still like for it to be a bit different, and maybe over time I'll learn how to do the things I want to do, but for now it looks very professional