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8 Sandvox sites tagged “mobile”



“Tests et information sur les tablettes , les smartphones et les appareils connectés” — Philippe LeGrand

DJ Hire Sydney and Suburbs

DJ Hire Sydney and Suburbs

“I am a novice at website design and as such am only just starting. The ease [of use] and aids which Sandvox supplies helped heaps, but I am still wanting to learn more.” — John G. Shepherd



“I chose a simple, aesthetically pleasing design which focuses attention on the informational and pictorial content of our products.” — Thomas Barnard

PTC Associates

PTC Associates

“Distribution businesses looking for consultants and experts specializing in high volume distributors, including Office Products, Jan San and Industrial. Emphasis on ERP systems, selection and usage, eCommerce, Mobile and Social Media.” — TJ Crayne



“I really liked the "modern technological" look of the design. My company colors are red and white, so I loved the red and silver that were the predominant colors of the design. It looked really sleek and I thought it matched my product nicely.” — Laura Bushong

Marci Katz Art & Design.

Marci Katz Art & Design.

“I eliminated anything extraneous on the pages so I could highlight my work. I used primarily photo pages, and a couple just for text.” — Marci Katz

Bill Bucy Mobile Notary

Bill Bucy Mobile Notary

“Virtually all my new business comes to me via my website and online searches. I receive many compliments on my site.” — William Bucy

The Housepet Housevet

The Housepet Housevet

“The best compliment anyone has given me so far is that several people have asked me if my business is a franchise. I figure if they're asking, then they must think my logo, website and promotional materials are pretty well done :)” — Carrie Schultz, DVM