Location: Millinocket, Maine, USA
What kind of websites were you planning to build?
The purpose of the web site is to display photographs and video taken by myself or, more often, by various wildlife cameras that are located in different parts of a one hundred acre plot of wooded land that I have near St. Agatha, Maine.
How did you hear about Sandvox?
It was one of a number of possible softwares that I located while looking for a site creation tool for the Mac that would come closest to replacing Net Objects Fusion software that I had used while I was using PCs. My wife bought Sandvox and liked it, so I gave it a try.
What made you decide to get Sandvox?
Ever since I have had to do so in a text editor, I have been building my own web sites, so I have never considered hiring it out. I prefer having direct control over the construction and updates that I make to my sites. I do also have RapidWeaver, and am building other sites with that software.
Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?
The thing that I like best about Sandvox is the ease of use. Although it is not the only web editor that I use, it is the one that I have used most often since switching to a Mac in 2008.
What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?
Mac OS X web site creation software
Petra, Maine Wildlife Photos
“Initially, I was looking for a template that I could use to build from, or to change in order to make it more applicable to the purpose of my site, but the design that I found was perfect as it came. The function of the Petra, Maine Wildlife Photos site is to display photographs and video taken by...”
Roseglen, North Dakota 58775
“I believe that it is an attractive website, but I didn't use anything particularly clever or tricky to achieve it. This is pretty much what can be done with Sandvox.”