Mistral Aviation Limited
“When we took over the company, we completely redesigned the image. Many have commented on how the site is much improved over the previous one and how they appreciate the comprehensive data presented there.” — Steve & Jennie Bailey
G-159 Historical Research Museum
“I have actually made a lot of new friends who correspond with me on a weekly basis. They have in turn, notified other past G1 pilots and mechanics who have stated it is about time this aircraft is represented properly.” — Robert Scott Morris
Powerjet Aviation
“There is no real goal with my website other than having one. Simply put, everyone in my industry knows each other as were less than 100 guys world wide that do this sort of thing.” — Karl Rickard
“I have managed a Tallyfacts web site for a number of years. This is only the second week with Sandvox. I'm sure there will be things come up soon that will be worth noting.” — Donald Bill
“I purchased the Grafite template as it served the purpose of offering a clean background for both color and monotone imagery.” — David Darbyshire