Southeast Studios Inc.
“We organize the wants & needs of our clients into buildings and interior spaces. Our website states how we approach this, and it shows examples of past designs and our experience by project type (built or not). These categories include Commercial Buildings, Multifamily residential & Mixed Use,...” — Phillip Andrew Jessup
Peter Holm Arkitektur & Planlægning
“Peter Holm arkitektur & planlægning. Architect and urban planner. I am an architect doing architecture and urban planning. I do sketches and projects in Revit Architecture, AutoCad, Sketcup and Adobe Creative Suite.” — Peter Holm
Stewart + Tsai Architects Inc.
“Just uploaded the site last week, hopefully hear some comments soon. We noted that there were more than 80 views of our post on the Karelia Forum for our new website and one good comment.” — Grant Stewart
Hendrix Architects
“When I first published my new website, I received many compliments from visitors and created a nice buzz about it. Within a couple of days I already had 21 'likes' on Facebook, which was nice.” — Erik Hendrix
Jeff Skelly Fine Art
“I was looking for a design that would compliment my paintings and since I am a landscape painter the earthy colors matched well.” — Jeffrey Skelly
“Through both formal and informal interviews, we engage the big themes: identity, memory, process, spirituality, etc. But we also talk about practical issues in an art professional's working life: tools and materials, organization, dealing with the business of making a living.” — George Fishman
Aquilo Mosaics
“I chose the design I am using because it was very simple and allowed me to modify the banner and surroundings.” — Gerry Lavery