Burgett Capital
“I think everyone should voice a point of view on politics, economics, history, society and culture. This is a step in a long-term transition out of the business world and into academia and publishing.” — B.L. Burgett
Paolo Palazzi Web Page
“È il secondo sito web costruito da me, il primo era stato giudicato una schifezza, spero che con l'aiuto di Sanvox questo sia migliore. This is the second web site I did, the first was judged ugly. I hope this one, with Sandvox's help, will be better.” — Palazzi Paolo
Paolo Palazzi
“curriculum, publications, citations, economic development studies” — Palazzi Paolo
Western Pennsylvania Council for the Social Studies
“Several teachers have complemented us about the links provided on the website and also the monthly newsletter gets notes of appreciation.” — Leo West
“NHS patients who need or want treatments not usually provided by their local primary care organisations need to persuade those organisations that the treatment they want is cost-effective. Evidential provides reviews and assessments of medical and economic evidence to support the patients case, or...” — Andrew Cook