The Official King of the Trees/Creation Seekers Series Website
“I did receive many compliments on my site when I first launched it. Since then, I have expanded and revised it considerably as my web-design skills have grown. The site also has enabled me to garner more e-mails from potential customers.” — William Burt
La Science Et Fiction De Robert
“A lot of positive feeback from kids homeschooling and parents who want to understand the science courses.” — Robert Breton
The Black Razor Chronicles
“My books take place in a fantasy world, the dark design of the website compliments the world and settings I have created.” — Mike Carmel
A.J. Aaron Online
“When the people that knew me saw this website over the last one they finally realized that I truly do make my living as a writer now. The old website just didn't leave that impression to them or to strangers.” — A.J. Aaron
Mary Johnson
“Oh - I did make a custom banner. That took me awhile, but, if I can do it, anyone can! I purchased an image from Shutterstock, then pulled it into Photoshop to resize it so it would fit the space the template gave me. That - getting it to fit - was the hardest part! But I've gotten compliments on...” — Mary Johnson
Defenders of Rades - A Novel
“I used the Amazon link to the purchase page of my novel. I added photo pages for each of my characters.” — Carol Blackhurst
CanTejas Art
“I just created this Sandvox site and will report on the results in the future. So far, the customer support has been outstanding!” — Raymond Schmitz
What If Island
“My website was designed to let people know about a series of books I wrote that focus on a better tomorrow. In the island series of books I wrote there is both fantasy and reality. Imagine if you will the life you would like to live. What would it entail? The stories I created in What If Island as...” — Marsha Kelter
T. Lynne Tolles - Author of the Blood Book Series
“Truthfully, it was the only one I liked. I had an IWeb site before but it didn't match my books. I needed something dark, pushing gothic, but professional. I'm happy with it, but I would like more options or a way to personalize it more.” — Teresa Lilleboe
"Vampire Live" roole play website
“Its a fake company for escort service. It started as a host for some mail address. And now its describing a bit about the character and its background.” — JoE