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10 Sandvox sites tagged “fantasy”

The Official King of the Trees/Creation Seekers Series Website

The Official King of the Trees/Creation Seekers Series Website

“I did receive many compliments on my site when I first launched it. Since then, I have expanded and revised it considerably as my web-design skills have grown. The site also has enabled me to garner more e-mails from potential customers.” — William Burt

La Science Et Fiction De Robert

La Science Et Fiction De Robert

“A lot of positive feeback from kids homeschooling and parents who want to understand the science courses.” — Robert Breton

The Black Razor Chronicles

The Black Razor Chronicles

“My books take place in a fantasy world, the dark design of the website compliments the world and settings I have created.” — Mike Carmel

A.J. Aaron Online

A.J. Aaron Online

“When the people that knew me saw this website over the last one they finally realized that I truly do make my living as a writer now. The old website just didn't leave that impression to them or to strangers.” — A.J. Aaron

Mary Johnson

Mary Johnson

“Oh - I did make a custom banner. That took me awhile, but, if I can do it, anyone can! I purchased an image from Shutterstock, then pulled it into Photoshop to resize it so it would fit the space the template gave me. That - getting it to fit - was the hardest part! But I've gotten compliments on...” — Mary Johnson

Defenders of Rades - A Novel

Defenders of Rades - A Novel

“I used the Amazon link to the purchase page of my novel. I added photo pages for each of my characters.” — Carol Blackhurst

CanTejas Art

CanTejas Art

“I just created this Sandvox site and will report on the results in the future. So far, the customer support has been outstanding!” — Raymond Schmitz

What If Island

What If Island

“My website was designed to let people know about a series of books I wrote that focus on a better tomorrow. In the island series of books I wrote there is both fantasy and reality. Imagine if you will the life you would like to live. What would it entail? The stories I created in What If Island as...” — Marsha Kelter

T. Lynne Tolles - Author of the Blood Book Series

T. Lynne Tolles - Author of the Blood Book Series

“Truthfully, it was the only one I liked. I had an IWeb site before but it didn't match my books. I needed something dark, pushing gothic, but professional. I'm happy with it, but I would like more options or a way to personalize it more.” — Teresa Lilleboe

"Vampire Live" roole play website

"Vampire Live" roole play website

“Its a fake company for escort service. It started as a host for some mail address. And now its describing a bit about the character and its background.” — JoE