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Sandvox User Profile: Mary Johnson

Location: Westchester County, New York, USA

What kind of websites were you planning to build?

This is the second site I've built with Sandvox. The first was our teen web site at the library where I work. All programs have their limits, but I've been very pleased with how easy that site is to maintain. When I started to build a personal site, I knew I'd use Sandvox!

How did you hear about Sandvox?

As stated above, I browsed the web for the best-reviewed web design programs for OS X. I then checked reviews for the highest rated programs, as well as visiting their websites. Yours reminded me of Scrivener, my favorite writing program, in that it included a free trial and lots of good online help. So I downloaded the free trial and began to play with it.

What made you decide to get Sandvox?

Please see above. The reviews, the free trial, the reasonable price, and the available support were all attractive to me.

Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?

The support has been exceptional! My site isn't yet quite what I would like, but it's much closer than it was, and I learned to improve it in just a couple of days.

As I've gotten more deeply into the program on both sites, I've come to love how well it integrates with other sites and programs. At work, I've used Comic Life, the iLife suite, and youtube. On this new site, I easily integrated a youtube video, pictures, and a twitter feed.

What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?

best web design programs mac os x

Mary Johnson

Mary Johnson

“Oh - I did make a custom banner. That took me awhile, but, if I can do it, anyone can! I purchased an image from Shutterstock, then pulled it into Photoshop to resize it so it would fit the space the template gave me. That - getting it to fit - was the hardest part! But I've gotten compliments on...”

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Teen Web Page

Teen Web Page

“I had chosen a different design initially, but went to this one because it was also cool-looking but had a banner I could customize.”

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