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5 Sandvox sites tagged “figurative”

Joyce K. Jensen Original Fine Art

Joyce K. Jensen Original Fine Art

“I chose this design because it's very simple, direct, clean and modern. My paintings are high key, very vivid, and ofter quite complex. I want to showcase my art, not show off a fancy site design. I was delighted with the choices available, was able to quickly narrow it down to three, then chose...” — Joyce Jensen

“The matte grey background does not fight with the images - and our site is all about the work depicted in the photographs. Also - the sans serif typeface is simple and not distracting.” — David and MJ Clark

Betty Hafner - Books and Art

Betty Hafner - Books and Art

“I don't sell my art on my site but I have gotten two sales from people who contacted me and bought two drawings they saw on my site.” — S. Elizabeth Hafner

Art by Rebecca Torrington

Art by Rebecca Torrington

“I am using Cathedral design, but I have slightly tweaked it to include some of Rebecca Artwork, thus creating a more thorough work flow.” — Huw McGregor

David Williams - Nottinghamshire artist

David Williams - Nottinghamshire artist

“I was attracted to its simple, unfussy format. Something more elaborate would have detracted from the display of my paintings, which is the main impact I want to make.” — David Williams