“Unsere private photo-website soll zum Reisen inspirieren oder nur kurz helfen, aus dem Alltag zu entfliehen. Wir freuen uns einfach, unsere Erlebnisse mit anderen zu teilen.” — Thomas Schmidt
Torstorp Fotoklub
“The website is for use for the members of Torstorp Fotoklub, so they can show their pictures to the public. There is calender, and results of photo competitions.” — Thomas Peter Stanzel
The Split Mind - In Gedanken
“I am a total beginner when it comes to this, but I really appreciated the ability to include injections and those pagelets in order to enable a Flattr button and a button for TipTheWeb, too bad I have a hard time to give those buttons a certain alignment for example within the sidebar, so they...” — Christian Wüst
Sasa Juic's Photo and Blog Site
“I liked the color combination on this Clockwork design, and the ability to change the header picture.” — Sasa Juic
PAVESI Website
“Photos of my holydays - Events of my friends - Photos of collegues - Photos of Milan - Photos made with Bob Krieger - Videos of Sailing - Berlin - My Blog” — Valter Pavesi