Gerry Renert | Author
“I chose the Sandvox design I'm using because it was simple, and I really liked the sidebar display for things like an "Amazon List."” — Gerry Renert
The Bug Barians
“We felt that the design fit in well with a color scheme and outdoorsy feel. We liked it because it wasn't slick. The design is a little rough around the edges and is just the kind of thing The Bug Barians® would feel most at home in.” — Marty Byk
Two Too Smart, Smartass Mommies
“Since our funny mommies site is designed primarily as a blog, it will (quite obviously) be "text heavy" with little to no graphics. The Sandvox design we used ("Distinction" - red) is simple, clean and allows us to play around with any font we choose.” — Stacy Stensrud and Kimberly Salim
The Bug Barians®
“The purpose of the site is to make the public aware that our new children's ebook, "The Bug Barians"® is available for download at and Barnes and Noble. In the coming days, it will be made available at other outlets as well as Print On Demand. We will also be adding updates, a blog and...” — Marty Byk
Jonathan Schkade author site
“I tried to do a lot of crosslinking within the site to make it easier for users to find the information they want right when they want it.” — Jonathan Schkade
“My only real major find was the custom collection index - I was able to really get the site the way I wanted it then and got lots of positive feedback as a result.” — Canucklehead
JP Chambers
“I attended my high school reunion a couple of years ago and was taken by complete surprise when a few of my classmates made comments to me about my essays. I had no idea they were reading my site, but they had stumbled on it somehow and were now quoting my own words back to me!” — John Chambers