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7 Sandvox sites tagged “gospel”

Walk By Faith Ministries

Walk By Faith Ministries

“Updates, orphanage information, and itinerary” — Clarke Coleman



“Roslaie Drysdale, music, songs, video from her TV show "Time to Sing," photographs, blog. The website is to promote entertainer Rosalie Drysdale; singing and videos; and to promote upcoming appearances.” — Ken Drysdale

Madeline Bell Homepage

Madeline Bell Homepage

“The re-design in Sandvox has gotten many compliments from visitors. Previously I had designed a very tired looking site built by myself. I'm not a professional but Sandvox make me look like one!” — Simon Bell

Evangelistens Misjonstjeneste

Evangelistens Misjonstjeneste

“Hjem forteller om misjonstjenesten, Om oss forteller om historien til misjonstjenesten, Prosjekter viser hvilke engasjement som drives, Nyheter gir et løpende innblikk i arbeidet, Misjonsrapporter gir en månedlig informasjon om arbeidet i india, Kart viser hvor i India arbeidet...” — Geir Øynes

Evangeliske Sanger i Sør

Evangeliske Sanger i Sør

“Hjem viser en oversikt, Vår historie forteller om hensikten med stiftelsen, Pressemelding er den offesielle informasjonen om stiftelsen, Kontakt oss om hvordan folk skal komme i kontakt med oss, DVD-bestillinger viser hva folk kan kjøpe av DVD-produksjoner, Arrangementer forteller om de...” — Geir Øynes

Free Grace Church

Free Grace Church

“I edited the raw html and CSS to provide the scripture tool tips. As a scripture passage is moused over the Bible passage pops up. I also used the html editing capabililty to create the drop down boxes on the Sunday Messages page.” — David Anderson

Eadestown Choir

Eadestown Choir

“The background / banner is perfect for us as it is of the inside of a church or cathedral. This was what first attracted us to the design.” — David Hickey