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3 Sandvox sites tagged “harmony”

Santa Feet Reflexology

Santa Feet Reflexology

“Many visitors to my website have commented on how attractive and effective my website is. One of those visitors happens to own a reputable website design company, which made be feel even more confident of the quality of my website and Sandvox.” — Jim J. Williams

Worshipful Company of Firefighters

Worshipful Company of Firefighters

“The site uses a number of PHP routines which are simply integrated through RAW HTML. This is great to make use of PHP and MySQL to change the look and feel of the page in a few lines of code, most of which can be found as examples on the net.” — Colin Simpson

Brahma Cakra

Brahma Cakra

“The banner it created at the top of the website was excellent for the picturesque view of the location where our center is located. The color was appropriate for the concept as it was more oriented to nature.” — Ravi Rambujoo