Doodle Kidz
“I have tried out some SEO techniques by editing the meta description and keywords. I really enjoyed seeing the description appear in google (3rd on the first page) as it looks much better than the rest of the websites that just show some header text from the page.” — Jonathan Clarke
1400GTR on the WEB
“This site uses the SWD Grey design. The ability to insert my own header was a requirement and I wanted a darker design to represent the motorcycle colour. I have used a WEB LOG concept to allow flexibility in page use and to compliment/expand my use of a BLOG associated with the site. The .id...” — Paul Purcell
Sarjakuvakurssi (comics course)
“Main material of the site is comics and images made by children . They are motivated better when they can see their works at the web, show them for their friends and parents. Also they get more self confidence. The site also informs people about different happenings related comics.” — Esa Holopainen
42pix Photography
“The design needed to be quite plain as it is designed to showcase photography. Fancy designs which draw attention to themselves rather than the content are not suitable for this purpose.” — Stephen Wilson
Steve's Photography
“The current design was clean and totally different from the prior site. Being able to change the banner to the EYES went with my 'feelings' of photography is seen and felt through our senses. It doesn't always make since but the eyes transport the image to the brain for interpretation.” — Steven Cockerill