M2R Consultants
“I consult to worldwide manufacturers in the plumbing, irrigation, hvac, hydronic and pvf industries who wish to bring or expand their business in North America, primarily through independent manufacturer reps. This site highlights my experience, references, services offered and contact information.” — Bill Godwin
The IPIR Institute
“I had to adapt the background in the "Slate Manifest" design in order to get the best possible black background. Further, everything was quite straightforward.” — P W Hemker
In the Family
“Clean Sheets. With the menu on the right, I love how well featured the content is on the left. There's no clutter, and the dividing line between content and menu is very nice and subtle. The white allows the poster and photo images to really stand out.” — Patrick Wang
Stewart Glass - Advocate for Smaller + Simpler Governments
“My website is designed explain my views and why I am running as an independent candidate for the South Australian parliament. I discuss policies like The Rights of the Community, Free Market Essentials, and give a short and sweet version of my background about me. My manifesto is "20 Keys for...” — Stewart Glass
Mr Krax
“Här vill jag presentera musik för dig som är intresserad av att höra något annat än det som hörs mest.” — Pierre Blom