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3 Sandvox sites tagged “interim”

Business Consultants in Eastern Europe

Business Consultants in Eastern Europe

“If you are planning to enter Eastern Europe, look for M&A opportunities or want to change your present setup, it is a good idea to contact us. With many years of experience in this territory, we might be able to help you achieving your goals faster and more reliably!” — Dipl.Ing. Karl Tantscher

Zuidpoort Management

Zuidpoort Management

“Business supporting website. Zuidpoort Management is all about aligning business goals with IT.” — Theo Woolderink

3rd Mind Business Consulting

3rd Mind Business Consulting

“Das Design gefällt mir, weil es nicht so quietsch-bunt ist wie manch andere und am besten mit meinen Vorstellungen übereinstimmt, die ich von meiner eigenen Website habe. Einige Anpassungen werden noch folgen, wenn ich wieder Zeit dafür habe.” — Frank Giebel