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Sandvox User Profile: Frank Giebel

I my rarely leisure-time

Location: Germany

What kind of websites were you planning to build?

I'm using Sandvox for building and updating my company-website. Because I'm offering individual consulting services in the the environment of regulatory compliance (i.e. E-Mail-Archiving, IT-Security, Data-Privacy etc.) I want to create an individual design.

On the other hand I'm not a html-crack, for that I love the developers kit and use them side-by-side with the great functionality of automatisation within Sandvox.

How did you hear about Sandvox?

After "googlin'" I found a way into a german-speaking Mac-Forum. In there they discussed Sandvox and other software for web-design.

What made you decide to get Sandvox?

Because I'm an individualist I want to create an individual site. But I do not have time nor skills to programming all in html, css and other stuff.
My first site was build by an "professional" but I was not very satisfied so I want to make it on my own.
I tested roundabout 4 different softwares - but no one comes so close to me like Sandvox in terms of look&feel, GUI, create and design.

Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?

Well, the most impressive feature is the easy user interface and the "WYSIWYG" feature and the total easy way to switch your design (if you love the default ones).

If not it is also possible to switch into html area for individual adjustments as well as the way, to create your own designs.

Also the easy update of my website and other auto-functions will "hold" me by Sandvox.

What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?

Webdesign software Mac

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“Das Design gefällt mir, weil es nicht so quietsch-bunt ist wie manch andere und am besten mit meinen Vorstellungen übereinstimmt, die ich von meiner eigenen Website habe. Einige Anpassungen werden noch folgen, wenn ich wieder Zeit dafür habe.”

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