Pacific Coast Percussion Music Instruments
“This design really showcased the very simple use of three colors throughout the website. I felt the style would give me a professional looking environment that would create contrast to my instruments.” — Stanley P. Corpus
Ralf China
“Mehr Erfolg mit Menschen: Wirksam - Schnell - Sicher - Spaß - Erfolg! Menschen sind vernunft-begabt, verhalten sich aber nicht immer vernünftig. Der Grund dafür sind evolutions-biologische "Programme", die nach wie vor wirksam sind und unser Verhalten steuern. Diese bio-logischen...” — Ralf China
Bustle & Grow
“I had a hard time aligning a few items like text next to an image (I think it was operator error) so I used another layout program to create images as buttons which had the image and text combined.” — Cristina Forsyth
R&R Computers
“My web site has company info, pictures, a forum and support pages. Also some tech news feed.” — Jason
New Times Home Biz
“Sandvox allows easy change of site design, so after using Blueball Gravitas initially, I then moved to Simple Rabbit's Hydrogen (the paid version). I like the simplicity and clean lines. I have created my own header using a transparent image background. There's no PSD or GIMP or other complicated...” — Des Menz
M2R Consultants
“I consult to worldwide manufacturers in the plumbing, irrigation, hvac, hydronic and pvf industries who wish to bring or expand their business in North America, primarily through independent manufacturer reps. This site highlights my experience, references, services offered and contact information.” — Bill Godwin
Cold Tech Refrigeration
“Apogee is a template that has some great "free extras" such as multi-columns, starred bullets, and an overall open feeling that scales well for iOS to large screens. It works well for us.” — Gary Sosa
CPD Callaway Performance Developments
“I have been waiting over 12 months for someone else to do it. So in the end I did it myself, for about the same time it would have taked to review and sort out the data.” — Greg Callaway
“We like the neon background, and it is not to overwhelming to look at. It was easy to play with and very intuitive.” — Jason Komendat, Frederic Amdur
Business Consultants in Eastern Europe
“If you are planning to enter Eastern Europe, look for M&A opportunities or want to change your present setup, it is a good idea to contact us. With many years of experience in this territory, we might be able to help you achieving your goals faster and more reliably!” — Dipl.Ing. Karl Tantscher
Star Diagnostics of Central Texas
“Was going to spend somewhere around 1k to 2k for a "basic" website with update for a year. This is before I purchased your product.” — Steve Smith
Sales Operations Outsourcing
“SalesOpsNOW provides small to medium-sized sales organizations to gain immediate access to qualified sales operations functions such as sales training, CRM implementation, lead generation and opportunity analysis to name a few. Strategic sales objectives do not have to be sacrificed for immediate...” — Darren Brackett
3rd Mind Business Consulting
“Das Design gefällt mir, weil es nicht so quietsch-bunt ist wie manch andere und am besten mit meinen Vorstellungen übereinstimmt, die ich von meiner eigenen Website habe. Einige Anpassungen werden noch folgen, wenn ich wieder Zeit dafür habe.” — Frank Giebel
Mivista Consulting
“My website represents me so well that people have called me asking for me to create websites for them!” — Michelle Villalobos