Tetushkin English
“I needed a design that was playful looking. Our whole intent was to make learning English playful, natural, and truly enjoyable.” — Mrs. Chips
FDBR Sound Courax
“From a small box, you [get] a heavy bass sound easily with high resolution. It is the speaker's own method called FDBR never before [produced]. This speaker will not be exceeded [by] everyone.” — 河辺 倉司
Peter Twohig
“This website has been around. When I first got my book deal with HarperCollins, I went looking for a platform building software. I actually built three websites, using Sandvox, Rapidweaver and Wordpress, and actually published them to see what they were like to work with. In spite of the other two...” — Peter Twohig
3rd Mind Business Consulting
“Das Design gefällt mir, weil es nicht so quietsch-bunt ist wie manch andere und am besten mit meinen Vorstellungen übereinstimmt, die ich von meiner eigenen Website habe. Einige Anpassungen werden noch folgen, wenn ich wieder Zeit dafür habe.” — Frank Giebel