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Sandvox User Profile: Mrs. Chips

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Location: New Hampshire, USA

What kind of websites were you planning to build?

I wanted to build a website designed specifically and uniquely to teach English to Russian speakers.

How did you hear about Sandvox?

I started with i-Web. I spent almost a year designing the very complex site only to find when I finally uploaded it to the Internet, that people in Russia, Ukraine, and other countries in that part of the world could not access any of the audio or video files! I almost quit, but my great web hosting company found Sandvox for me and urged me to try again. I did. It took another year to do what I wanted to do on the site (i.e. leap-frog a few of Sandvox's limitations), but it was worth it! I love Sandvox now. Especially the ease of upgrading the site almost daily.

What made you decide to get Sandvox?

It was my only option for my needs. I use a Mac and needed a platform that could run audio and video files that would be accessible on virtually all computers. Sandvox is compatible with svpMedia5 player. This player is effective and effortless to work with.

Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?

Most of all, I like the ease of publishing. It's fabulous. In all honesty, I had to get used to the slightly less flexible page layout templates that Sandvox uses (as compared to iWeb). But with patience and ingenuity, I have been able to do almost everything I've wanted to do in terms of fresh, creative page layouts. Even more important, people overseas can open the pages easily.

What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?

multi-language websites

Tetushkin English

Tetushkin English

“I needed a design that was playful looking. Our whole intent was to make learning English playful, natural, and truly enjoyable.”

audio english poetry language story grammar