Frank Giebel used Sandvox to build this website. He chose the “Carbone” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Neutral expert for IT-Compliance, IT-Security and Data-Privacy.
it-compliance it-security data privacy officer consulting company independent consulting datenschutzbeauftragter it-sicherheit management and it unabhängige beratung beratungsunternehmen geschäftsleitung und it
Sandvox features used for this site:Photo Grid, Custom Collection Index, Site Map, Contact Form, Editing HTML of text, Raw HTML Object, Code Injection
Visit 3rd Mind Business Consulting »
Describe your website.
The website is designed to inform our customers to benfit from an independent, neutral expert by regulatory compliance projects like E-Mail-Archiving (Elektr. Archivierung), IT-Security (IT-Sicherheit) and Data-Privacy (Datenschutz).
We're talking about our core-competencies (3rd Mind Kernkompetenzen) in our publications (Publikationen) as well as additional competencies (Info-Center).
Also we offer some generic informations about the topic on different sides in our (info-center).
Who is the target audience for your website?
The most customers of 3rd Mind resides in Germany, Austria and some in Switzerland. Much laws and acts are similar in these three countries and all customers have to store (and find ;-) their E-Mails and personal data in a compliance way.
For that most contacts are from company management because they are responsible by law and / or from IT-Management because they have to implement the compliance requirements.
What is the advantage of your website over others?
Because we offer in a transparent an totally neutral way long-term experience and best-practice always oriented on an individual customer base. Totally independent of supplier or vendors!
Through our long-rem experience in business-processes for our customers we make sure, that they will totally compliant with our project-planning and will saving a lot of time, money and ressources.
We are the right experts on their side - neutral and independent!
Tell us a story about this website.
Yes, indeed. Most feedback would be the professionalism of navigation (possibilities) and the over-all look and feel.
Even this would be a very subjective part ;-)
Why did you use this Sandvox design?
We used "stars" as the basic design, because it is not so "comic-like" colored like some others and convey the visitors about our seriousness and reliability.
For that "stars" were a good base for us for further developing work in this design.
What techniques did you use to build this website?
Well, we customized the default css file and programmed most sides individual in html.
So we change the color of some elements to our company colors. The fonts we changed to VERDANA because ARIAL is boring and all other (our CI-fonts too) will not be very common in all browsers.
What we are trying now, is, to place a pagelet on an individual place on the site. Hard work.