Welcome to Grand Macs SIG
“I looked at several designs and chose one that to me best fit our group. However, there were many others that would work as well.” — Joyce A. Kloncz
iPhone Sofort Reparatur in Dortmund
“Wir mögen die Farbe Orange. Diese ist tatsächlich unsere Firmenfarbe. Sie ist hell, freundlich und wirkt heiter. Und genau so sind wird auch!” — Dieter K.
“This may not be very Hollywood - unless you've experienced it - but when our first requests for support came through the Sandbox contact form on our Support page, we were very pleased.” — Mark Anderton
Flat Earth Studio LLC
“I needed a decent, working FAQ, and found the svpEZScrollList plugin to fit my immediate needs. I look forward to trying out other plugins.” — Brian Arnold
Zardoz Press
“This was the first we created using Sandvox 2.0. We have to toggle back and forth between Snow Leopard and Lion to manage all our sites, most of which are still on 1.6.8. We like the sub menu feature and plan to use it a lot as we add titles.” — JJ Semple
Sam Stigler
“I chose the design I ended up purchasing because I thought it looked among the most professional of all the choices; and it also just appealed to me visually.” — Sam Stigler
David Abse - Art
“Paintings, drawings and prints, movies, iPad drawings - the site shows off my art work.” — David Abse
ClaudeVoyage - Blog
“I use Outside the lines green because I love green colour and I like the old paper colour of the pages.” — Claude Patrigeon
Map-Pin Software
“The design we use now is clean, simple and reflects a simplicity we would like to deliver in our products.” — Jeremy Laurenson