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7 Sandvox sites tagged “law”

California Alcohol Laws

California Alcohol Laws

“Legislative history of California's Alcohol Laws, with analyses of all legislation over the past 20 years.” — Alexander Weisse

David Alan Wolf

David Alan Wolf

“I chose the Cirrus Design because I liked the clean and flexible look of the site. It fit in well with my content and the graphics that I have created for the site - I did look at the other designs but ultimately went with the Cirrus Design.” — David Wolf

Derecho internacional, extranjero, comparado y docencia jurídica

Derecho internacional, extranjero, comparado y docencia jurídica

“El sitio del Prof. Fernando Villarreal Gonda, centrado en distintos temas de derecho mexicano, extranjero, comparado, internacional y docencia jurídica.” — Fernando Villarreal

Gun Law Matters

Gun Law Matters

“On our about us and contact us pages, we externally linked to our main website so that we only have to update the information once. We also inserted our twitter feeds so that those show up as a change to the site each time we tweet.” — Add Goff and Shelley Goff

Goff and Goff Attorneys - Helping People...A Family Tradition since 1931

Goff and Goff Attorneys - Helping People...A Family Tradition since 1931

“We chose our current design because it was nice mix between modern and traditional, which is how we like to run our business.” — Add Goff and Shelley Goff

Paul Bernal's Website

Paul Bernal's Website

“I chose the design for its simplicity and professionalism. I want people to focus on the content, and to be able to find what they need - and at the same time see that I am professional and direct.” — Paul Bernal

Mundkur Law Partners

Mundkur Law Partners

“This is a website about our law firm in Bangalore, India. It contains a blog on law-related issues affecting M&A, intellectual property and business operations in India.” — Ramanand Mundkur