Sandvox was the choice for David Wolf to build his website. He chose the “Cirrus” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Personal Injury Attorney.
Sandvox features used for this site:Contact Form, Other Objects
Describe your website.
My website was designed to highlight my work as an attorney - author - and advocate. All three are important facets of my practice and passion as a Personal Injury Attorney. I truly enjoy helping people through my work as an attorney. I also aim to make a difference through my books, articles, and my advocacy work on behalf of children.
Who is the target audience for your website?
The website has information and links that can be quite useful for anyone dealing with the aftermath of an injury. It is also helpful for those who are safety conscience and want to make the community and world a safer place. As an author of four books on the topic of child injury and safety, the website is an especially good resource for parents seeking help, guidance, and advice when a child is injured at a school, day care center, home, business, or other location.
What is the advantage of your website over others?
As an attorney with over 20 years of experience, I am committed (more so than ever) to the zealous representation of my clients. Over the years, I have accumulated the knowledge and experience to not only handle the case at hand but also effectively communicate with and deal directly with the client. I am actively involved with each case and personally know the file and each client. At the end of the case, I strive to secure fair and just compensation for the client and forge a friendship that will last well beyond the closing of the file.
Tell us a story about this website.
The Sandvox website helped me put into words the work and philosophies that I have formed over the years. I always referred to myself as an author. Once I graduated law school and passed the bar, it was natural and easy to tell people that I was attorney. Through the years, I realized that I wanted to be more than just an "attorney" and actually worked to become more dynamic than just an "attorney". I worked hard and became an "author" and "advocate" as well. The Sandvox platform helped me formalize and promote my work and passion as an attorney, author, and advocate.
Why did you use this Sandvox design?
I chose the Cirrus Design because I liked the clean and flexible look of the site. It fit in well with my content and the graphics that I have created for the site - www.davidalanwolf.com I did look at the other designs but ultimately went with the Cirrus Design.
What techniques did you use to build this website?
I worked with a graphic artist friend who personally designed the banner for me. She figured out the dimensions of the banner and then designed the banner per my instructions. I was able to go into the Inspector and change the designation in the Banner area from Designed-Supplied to Image Filled.