Eirene Health Shop
“On the Eirene Health Shop site, we have an "Article" menu. A young mother was searching the internet on possible health related articles to help her with breastfeeding and came across our article on tips for breastfeeding mothers. This article completely changed the way the mother viewed...” — Christo Lues
mijn eigen stukje internet
“my thoughts, my music, my food, my photographs, my family tree” — William Heijmans
Victoria House Bakery
“Cubicle Wide is a modern clean design and matches well with the default design of the Magento shopping cart.” — Geoff and Vicky Wells
Vitalita - Free Vegan Cookbooks - Technology Consulting
“Made small modifications to the CSS page - this allowed me to customize the background colors of the site to better suit the web site content AND different font priorities.” — Mark Foy