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Sandvox Website Profile: “Eirene Health Shop”

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To build “Eirene Health Shop,” Christo Lues chose Sandvox. He chose the “Earth & Sky” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for living healthy made easy through professional advice.

health medicine analysis healthy cancer recipes blood cholesterol breastfeeding eating sevenpointfive mothers vaccination naturally danger

Sandvox features used for this site:Blog, External Page, Photo Grid, Custom Collection Index, Contact Form, YouTube, RSS Feed Object

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Describe your website.

Welcome to shopping for good health made easy...

Here are 5 reasons why our customers say they really like Eirene Health Shop

1. You invest time listening to our concerns and our questions when things are confusing to us.

2. We have experienced for ourselves that your professional, truthful advice work

3. You are able to give accurate advice and the correct products when we are unsure.

4. Many of us started out as customers and have now become your friends

5. We love your ethics and the fact that you have been successful in health for more than 15 years.

Who is the target audience for your website?

Over the years we have consulted literally thousands of people - mothers with newborns; overworked executives; cold-owners who can't shake the symptoms; teenagers battling with ADD or other concentration issues; families who recognize that health is worth investing in; cancer sufferers; AIDS sufferers; hormonal women; diabetics old and young; retirees who want to do old age health-fully; grandparents who want to see grandchildren grow up; weight watchers who want to shed the excess; frail older women with brittle bones and the melancholics who've given up hope of leading a normal pain free or happy life.

What is the advantage of your website over others?

We stock only handpicked, high quality food supplements. We have the choice to stock just about anything on the market - but we don't. We prefer to deal only with companies that have a high standard of integrity, ethics and reliability. From vast experience over the years, we have been able to discriminate between good, bad and ugly supplements.Our approach is to first help you “cleanse” your body, then “Nourish” it, and then “balance” where needed. Our whole approach is around getting the body’s pH (acid/alkaline) balance restored to 7.5. Studies show, that if your pH is not right, NOTHING in the body will work optimally.

Tell us a story about this website.

On the Eirene Health Shop site, we have an "Article" menu.
A young mother was searching the internet on possible health related articles to help her with breastfeeding and came across our article on tips for breastfeeding mothers.
This article completely changed the way the mother viewed breastfeeding and food she ate while nursing that her once colic baby is now a restful baby and the mother can sleep through the nights. If is was not for this article, the baby would still be screaming and the mother would border on suicide...!

Why did you use this Sandvox design?

The design I chile looked clean, healthy and inviting.

We had a health talk "Getting ready for summer" and Launched our

This website was created by Christo Lues of Durbanville, Western Cape, South Africa.