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4 Sandvox sites tagged “street”

Gary Zuercher Fine Art

Gary Zuercher Fine Art

“I use the Hydrogen design because of the clean, simple layout and yet, it is customizable for my needs.” — Gary Zuercher

Ronald Corbin, Street Photographer

Ronald Corbin, Street Photographer

“Photographs of People I meet on the streets of Los Angles, Philadelphia, PA, and Mexico, 1981/2012” — Ronald Corbin

Corbin Smith Photography

Corbin Smith Photography

“I really liked the colors in the green and brown design and the way the various elements of the pages work together. It has a mid-century (20th that would be!) modern look about it and it is clean so the photographs show off well and at the same time interesting to look at itself.” — Corbin Smith

The Decisive Moment

The Decisive Moment

“Photography for me is about capturing something memorable: unique lighting, a glance, an off-guarded expression, a chance encounter with the elements, a never to be repeated moment, an element overlooked, eyes met, a rainbows sudden emergence, laughter running across a mouth, relationship...” — Kaz Thorpe