Gary Zuercher Fine Art
“I use the Hydrogen design because of the clean, simple layout and yet, it is customizable for my needs.” — Gary Zuercher
Ronald Corbin, Street Photographer
“Photographs of People I meet on the streets of Los Angles, Philadelphia, PA, and Mexico, 1981/2012” — Ronald Corbin
Corbin Smith Photography
“I really liked the colors in the green and brown design and the way the various elements of the pages work together. It has a mid-century (20th that would be!) modern look about it and it is clean so the photographs show off well and at the same time interesting to look at itself.” — Corbin Smith
The Decisive Moment
“Photography for me is about capturing something memorable: unique lighting, a glance, an off-guarded expression, a chance encounter with the elements, a never to be repeated moment, an element overlooked, eyes met, a rainbows sudden emergence, laughter running across a mouth, relationship...” — Kaz Thorpe