The Bug Barians
“We felt that the design fit in well with a color scheme and outdoorsy feel. We liked it because it wasn't slick. The design is a little rough around the edges and is just the kind of thing The Bug Barians® would feel most at home in.” — Marty Byk
Sussex Castles
“I once had an email some student doing a project on castles. He had only found the site though google because we had both misspelt the name of a castle the same way!” — Richard Bird
The Bug Barians®
“The purpose of the site is to make the public aware that our new children's ebook, "The Bug Barians"® is available for download at and Barnes and Noble. In the coming days, it will be made available at other outlets as well as Print On Demand. We will also be adding updates, a blog and...” — Marty Byk