New Media for Designers + Builders
“Like my other sites, Clean Sheets lets me do pretty much whatever I want on a site. It really is what the name implies.” — Steve Mouzon
Bustle & Grow
“I had a hard time aligning a few items like text next to an image (I think it was operator error) so I used another layout program to create images as buttons which had the image and text combined.” — Cristina Forsyth
“I'm making friends all over America and around the world. I even have friends in China, India, and Bangladesh now that I hope to continue long-term relationships with.” — Tom Crowe
Øynes Konsult
“Det er enkelt å lage en god og tjenlig hjemmeside. Dette er også viktig slik at jeg lett kan oppdatere siden.” — Geir Øynes
Cliff Elliott Video Edit Services
“I wanted a very professional looking but clean and tidy site that would communicate my services clearly. The Sandvox design I used meets all listed requirments.” — Clifford Elliott
“Viele Besucher unserer Website haben schon mit uns Kontakt aufgenommen und sich im Detail über die von uns besuchten Länder informiert. Per Zufall haben wir ein Paar auf den Malediven wiedergetroffen.” — Thomas Steinmann