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Sandvox Website Profile: “Shanthi Bhavana Meditation & Yoga”

snapshot of home page

Sandvox was the choice for Peter Morley to build his website. He chose the “Clean Sheets” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for yoga, meditation, relaxation, music, health, wellbeing.

Sandvox features used for this site:Photo Grid, Contact Form,, YouTube, QuickTime Audio/Video

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Describe your website.

The purpose of my website is to promote my new business, "Shanthi Bhavana Meditation & Yoga" - a business that serves my community with health, fitness and wellbeing programs centred around traditional yoga modalities.

The site is to provide information to the public and the community about our services, such as classes and schedules and localities where classes and workshops are being held, and general information about the teacher(s), and the teaching traditions used.

Who is the target audience for your website?

The target audience for my website is broad-based. Because yoga, health and wellness is something that appeals to people of all ages, ethnic and cultural backgrounds and all fitness levels, my audience demographic is very wide.
My community has a wide demographic in terms of age and ethnicity and so my website needs to function as an information platform that speaks plainly to people of all backgrounds.

What is the advantage of your website over others?

This is a business website.
It is a small business run by me and I have no IT support or web design team to assist me. I have to go it alone.
My local business competitors do not have websites. Because of the ease and easy-to-learn tools and functionality of Sandvox, I was able to get my site designed and up online within a few hours; informing my prospective clients/students about my service, class and workshops.

Tell us a story about this website.

I started my new business on April 1 (I know April fool!)... within a few weeks I started designing my new website. I am am Mac user and I used Apple's iWeb design tools. All went smoothly and just as I was about to publish I heard that Apple planned to discontinue support for this platform.
I was about to begin running yoga classes and workshops and need to get my information up online asap.
I looked for a web designer who could transfer all my design elements into a new platform which I could control and change content anytime. I found them but I could not afford to invest funds into that service at the time. So I searched online for a platform that would be as easy to use as the iWeb design, but one that was independent of Apple and that I could learn to use quickly and get my site published as soon as possible.
Within a few hours of downloading Sandvox I had a basic page designed... and published! Within a few days I had my whole fourteen-page website finished and online!

Why did you use this Sandvox design?

The design I chose suits my requirements. I needed a plain template - an open canvas - upon which I could create my design layout.

Simple, minimalist... with the tools to drop and drag photos, icons and content... quickly, efficiently.

The ease of linking email and URL links is amazing.

What techniques did you use to build this website?

I haven't finished the site as yet. I plan to use streaming video and music and I know this will work beautifully.

This site will serve as an educational resource so I plan to incorporate these additional elements soon.

Sri Shanthi Bhavana

This website was created by Peter Morley of Rockingham, Western Australia, Australia.