Sandvox was the choice for Robert Sharp to build his website. He chose the “Smooth Dark” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Traditional Music sessions and concerts.
Sandvox features used for this site:Photo Grid, Site Map, Contact Form
Describe your website.
The Tin Hut Gartly near Huntly hosts open acoustic music sessions on the last Thursday of each month at 8.00pm, and entry is free. We are trying to promote and keep alive a music venue for people from all walks of life to meet and listen to music or exchange music ideas, tunes, and songs.
Who is the target audience for your website?
We are looking to reach young and old alike in a bid to keep the handing down of music and stories through the generations.
Why did you use this Sandvox design?
I like the darker type of website designs as I think they suit a music website better than the more widely used white background with a coloured banner across the top.