Klezmer Bonn
“Asking around for bands to send me information, it is funny to see, that everyone says, "Wow, that's a great idea." Actually the idea is so simple - why did no one come up with it until now?” — Georg Brinkmann
H-D Brass Music Portal
“The Sandvox design chosen is professional, clearly laid out in an uncluttered way, and enables us to highlight the brassy effect of the text colours.” — Lawrence Killian
Rebekah Gould - Lighting Designer
“I ended up choosing the Sandvox design that I am using currently because it appeared clean and professional. Visitors to my site can easily access different parts of my site. The color scheme is not distracting and matches my business cards perfectly.” — Rebekah Gould
Friends of the Royal Hawaiian Band
“Our Sandvox design was a perfect fit for not only our organization, but for the group we support as well. The color scheme of our site also blends perfectly with the royal colors of the Hawaiian Monarchy, plus gives us the flexibility, to create colorful, eye-catching specialty banners.” — David W. Bandy
Madeline Bell Homepage
“The re-design in Sandvox has gotten many compliments from visitors. Previously I had designed a very tired looking site built by myself. I'm not a professional but Sandvox make me look like one!” — Simon Bell
Bobby Lewis Jazz Trumpeter
“We modified the original template to customize the banner and background and size of pages. Also, we used the code injector to integrate a 3rd party (Appnitro) forms package into the site.” — Trudy Schwartz and Bobby Lewis
Calgary Arts Summer School
“I chose Sandvox because I like to refresh the website every two or three years. This design was modern and simple, allowing the information to take precedence over the appearance while keeping a professional look. I will gradually add other features of Sandvox (e.g. podcasts) as we get the...” — Rob Whitworth
La Schola Cantorum de Québec
“PHP and CSS integration for alternating the banner on the sub pages or making the first page's banner bigger than the other ones.” — Francois Crepeault
Tin Hut Sessions
“I like the darker type of website designs as I think they suit a music website better than the more widely used white background with a coloured banner across the top.” — Robert Sharp
David Gerry
“My old website design looked, well, terrible! I posted a link to the new site and the compliments started rolling in. My colleagues are pleased to be able to download pdfs of my research papers and find details of my teaching and concert schedule.” — David Gerry
Repast Baroque Ensemble
“I was drawn to the Cathedral template at first because the image was taken from architecture which is similar to the period of our music. I chose to replace the particular image with a custom image of a baroque still life painting with musical instruments and food, because my ensemble's name,...” — Amelia Roosevelt
Via Choralis Performance Society
“Our initial content was copied and pasted from the old website. I linked to documents, photos and web pages from the old site, as well as dropped in content from my own computer. I uploaded some pdf files to our server so that I can link via a URL rather than using a file download. I spent a...” — Diane McWilliams & Helen Ramani
Rock 'N' Roll Soldier: A Website
“I considered several of the Sandvox-supplied designs for this website, but ultimately chose Smooth Dark. It provides a strong yet unobtrusive backdrop for the site's multi-media content.” — Sue VanHecke
“I'm a freelance photographer, doing a lot of model shoots. I use the site for my own promotion and to show my portfolio. There is also a lot of other pictures of concerts, nature, sports etc. Also there is a photodiary in which I place a picture every day.” — Marcel van Vuren