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Sandvox Website Profile: “Crystalisciousness in Motion”

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Melissa Mogan used Sandvox to build this website. She chose the “Appleseed Grey” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for rocks and crystals in nashville mid-tennessee.

healing mining session crystal practitioner carving properties lapidary quartz metaphysical stones channeling joelton healing

Sandvox features used for this site:Blog, External Page, Photo Grid, Custom Collection Index, Site Map, Contact Form,, YouTube, RSS Feed Object, Other Objects, Editing HTML of text, Raw HTML Object, Code Injection, Google Integration

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Describe your website.

Everything that a rockhound thought a fellow rockhound would want is found within our site. From information on geologic properites to metaphysical properties, all on one site. Lapidary and mining to jewelry and stone sales. We offer opportunities to learn about different people and what they are doing with stones, how they are using them, how they are working with them and where they are available. This site was built for rockhounds by rockhounds.

Who is the target audience for your website?

You might be a rockhound if you have ever eaten ramen noodles for a week to pay for your latest addition to your collection.
You might be a rockhound if you have ever fallen asleep thinking about the stone you just bought and what you plan on doing with it.
You might be a rockhound if you can't return home from a walk in nature without all your pockets full of rocks.
You might be a rockhound if you have ever found yourself lost in the beauty of the stone sitting on top of your finger.

What is the advantage of your website over others?

Our goal is to bring a community of people together, working together, learning together, healing together. We strive to offer the best information in our fields, the newest technology in our areas of interest.
We offer something for every rockhound, from what to buy, to where to buy to where to dig.

Tell us a story about this website.

I had just closed my brick and mortar store and was looking for a direction to move in. My partner and I were teaching a class on crystal grids and during set up he said to me ' we are going to have a crystaliscious time'. We played it up during the class, with everyone leaving the class repeating the word over and over. We used this word as a novelty for about a year, until an area store asked my partner and I to come do a talk. We agreed. When the advertisement went out we were shocked, a little. We had been introduced as 'crystalscious' instead of Melissa Mogan and Joshua Crawford. It stuck and here we are crystalisciously indeed.

Why did you use this Sandvox design?

I wanted something clean and simple, but that would hold up against several subjects. We have pages that hold blogs on metaphysics and we have pages that highlight more mainstream subjects such as lapidary and mining.
The template I chose offered me a lot in flexibility and I was still able to choose colors and incorporate my own design into it.

What techniques did you use to build this website?

I wanted to keep all the graphics similar on the main pages and let them open up on their own page.
I also tried to keep it very user friendly by playing with it myself alot and making sure that all the dings and whistles work.
It has been very empowering to say the least to have the control Sandvox gives me over my web presence.

Joshua and I

This website was created by Melissa Mogan of Joelton,Tennessee, USA. She has also built Crystaliscious in Motion using Sandvox.