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Sandvox Website Profile: “Christel Ibsen”

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christel ibsen used Sandvox to build this website. She chose the “Smooth Dark” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Art, mixed media, acrylic, compound and oil on canvas and board.

Sandvox features used for this site:Blog, External Page, Photo Grid, Contact Form, RSS Feed Object

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Describe your website.

This website is designed to highlight the various styles and motifs that I like to create.

I am especially inspired by waterscapes and images of children absorbed in their own world of discovery.

My art is expressed in a mixed medium of acrylic, compound and oil which allows me to work in layered textures and hues.

Who is the target audience for your website?

Paintings of a sunset, a blossom or a child playing in the waves are my expressions of happiness and beauty.

My commissions of children's paintings allow parents and family members to preserve a moments of joy to be cherished forever.

The waterscapes and blossoms are created to soothe, excite and ponder.

What is the advantage of your website over others?

Fresco and designs techniques (such as lacquer, casein, rhodochrosite and chinoiserie) have influenced the way I combines different mediums and techniques in my art in order to achieve minute details as well as diverse and accentuated textures.

My paintings evolve from decades of working in the creative fields of photography and filmmaking, both of which serve as important tools for my art.

Tell us a story about this website.

Eighteen teen years ago, I suddenly lost my hearing. From leading a productive, exciting but frazzled life - shuttling between Paris, New York and London - within a few years I had become 95% deaf.

And that is when I started to paint... With the silence of deafness came peace and the blissful ability to concentrate on the senses still left. When painting, my time is transformed into an endless space of color and hues, and it seems as if I enfold a part of nature into myself." Since then, because of a cochlear implant, I have miraculously regained the ability to hear and to communicate through sound.

But painting remains my release, my pleasure … a vocation that found me.

Why did you use this Sandvox design?

I love the way Sandvox made it less painful to loose iWeb. By using the same icons and logic of iWeb I was up and running in a few days.

I had looked at other websites and many seemed either to complexed or boring

I like that I can easily publish and maintain my website by myself.

NY Studio

This website was created by christel ibsen of New York, New York, USA.