Taylor Duncan Landscape Photography
“I made sure to link the page to my Facebook page. I made use of the slideshow for displaying photos. I also used a good amount of hyperlinks to take you to other portions of my website.” — Taylor Duncan
Spiritual Awareness Center
“People from around the world have contacted the Spiritual Awareness Center to offer praise and request spiritual assistance. Since the site went online, hundreds of people have joined in a virtual prayer group to send messages of good health, prosperity, and compassion.” — James P Lindley
Christel Ibsen
“Eighteen teen years ago, I suddenly lost my hearing. From leading a productive, exciting but frazzled life - shuttling between Paris, New York and London - within a few years I had become 95% deaf. And that is when I started to paint... With the silence of deafness came peace and the blissful...” — christel ibsen
An Apple Pie For Dinner
“I was delighted to find that one of the designs that came with Sandvox used exactly the same color scheme as the cover of my book, An Apple Pie For Dinner. It was the perfect choice!” — Sue VanHecke