To build “Taylor Duncan Landscape Photography,” Taylor Duncan chose Sandvox. He chose the “Smooth Dark” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Landscape Photography.
landscape beauty sharing photographers fine-art photograpahy awe
Sandvox features used for this site:Photo Grid, Site Map, Contact Form, Other Objects
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Describe your website.
I am a photographer and this is a location where I share most of my photos.
Who is the target audience for your website?
Someone who is interested in photography should check out my website. Also, if someone is looking to purchase landscape photographs, it is for them too!
What is the advantage of your website over others?
You can sign up for updates and contact me about quotes for purchasing photos.
Why did you use this Sandvox design?
It looked best for displaying any type of photo. The dark grey made for a great background.
What techniques did you use to build this website?
I made sure to link the page to my Facebook page. I made use of the slideshow for displaying photos. I also used a good amount of hyperlinks to take you to other portions of my website.