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Sandvox Website Profile: “”

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To build “,” Matt Phillips chose Sandvox. He chose the “Carbone Right Sidebar” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Painting and sculpture by London based artist Matt Phillips.

Sandvox features used for this site:External Page, Photo Grid, Contact Form, Other Objects, Code Injection

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Describe your website.

I paint and sculpt both people and landscapes, using a variety of materials and sizes. Media includes metal fabrication, oil paint, plastic, and plaster.

Throughout my painting and sculpture is the common thread of identity, and how environment and emotional conditions affect our notions of self.

I explore memories of place and time, weaving emotional cues into my work that reference our shared experience of being human.

I'm based in London and exhibit both in the UK and internationally.

Who is the target audience for your website?

Anyone interested in fine art, including other artists, collectors, and gallerists.

Matt Phillips

This website was created by Matt Phillips of Hampstead, London, UK.