“I paint and sculpt both people and landscapes, using a variety of materials and sizes. Media includes metal fabrication, oil paint, plastic, and plaster. Throughout my painting and sculpture is the common thread of identity, and how environment and emotional conditions affect our notions of...” — Matt Phillips
Dean McCartney
“I was paying a fortune for my old site and could never get my designer to change anything on time. Now I can update whenever I feel like it and there is no charge.” — Dean McCartney
“This design is the same one I used for my book's site. I like working with the simplest possible format since I find that that allows the maximum expression for the work I'm presenting and lots of flexibility in how I present it.” — Ronald Williams
Helen Gray
“My website contains collections of photos of Hong Kong and my travels around the world. In particular, I have collections of photos of people and buildings taken around every MTR train station in Hong Kong.” — Lawrence Gray
Regina Atwood Art
“It's all about art. My website displays a variety of paintings and also illustrated and published children's books.” — Regina Atwood
Corbin Smith Photography
“I really liked the colors in the green and brown design and the way the various elements of the pages work together. It has a mid-century (20th that would be!) modern look about it and it is clean so the photographs show off well and at the same time interesting to look at itself.” — Corbin Smith
Regina Atwood Art
“Art statement. Eventually a blog. Digital photos of my paintings. Contact and pricing.” — Regina L. Atwood
CanTejas Art
“I just created this Sandvox site and will report on the results in the future. So far, the customer support has been outstanding!” — Raymond Schmitz
Team Adventure
“I got a call from a school in Boston who just found my website while searching the web. They came all the way to Central New York for a challenge course program with 50 of their students.” — Thomas Gardner