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Sandvox Website Profile: “Owe Aku”

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To build “Owe Aku” for Owe Aku Bring Back the Way International Justice Project, K. Lebsock chose Sandvox. He chose the “Two Lines” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Lakota cultural and environmental preservation.

training international environmental native american activist resistance water protection sioux indian justice project kxl pipeline owe aku lakota

Sandvox features used for this site:Contact Form, QuickTime Audio/Video, Other Objects

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Describe your website.

Our website is designed to inform and instruct on the events and projects of Owe Aku Bring Back the Way and Owe Aku International Justice Project. We are a Lakota (Sioux) Indigneous Native American Indian grassroots organization that addresses the preservation of Lakota culture as a means to protect sacred water, our sacred sites, and prevent toxic mining and pipelines from operating in Lakota territory.

Who is the target audience for your website?

Anyone interested in Native American, indigenous, or Lakota issues. Those interested in combatting global warming, the preservation of sacred water, environmentalists, climate change activists. Although our work is focused in the upper plains of North America, we are allied with organizations across the continent and around the world.

What is the advantage of your website over others?

Owe Aku has a grassroots following of Lakota and other Native American people along with non-Indian allies that support our cause. All of our work is action-oriented and we encourage those interested in taking action to protect the environment and take steps to counter the negative effects of climate change and water contamination to follow our website and sign up for our email updates on the site.

Tell us a story about this website.

We are a grassroots organization, meaning we are entirely staffed by volunteers and a lot of our funding comes from average concerned individuals and organizations. The common advantage of our struggle to preserve water is apparent in that we get requests from as far away as Nepal and Japan for updates. We have also been able to use our website as a major source of funding from small donations of ten and twenty dollars. This has kept us afloat for several years now.

Why did you use this Sandvox design?

Colors, layout, visual appeal, a certain earthiness that we feel matches the nature of our work.

Kent in New York Apartment

This website was created by K. Lebsock of Pine Ridge, South Dakota, USA. He has also built Owe Aku using Sandvox.