Martin Welter used Sandvox to build this website. He chose the “Kryptonite Left Sidebar” design for the site. People may want to visit the site if they are looking for Camera Club in Central Wisconsin.
photography local contest junction city wi wisconsin rapids wi plover wi wausau wi mosinee wi focal point camera club central wisconsin wacco psa marshfield wi
Sandvox features used for this site:External Page, Photo Grid, Site Map, Contact Form, Other Objects, Raw HTML Object, Google Integration
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Describe your website.
This website contains information about a camera club. It is complete with a Welcome page, About Us/Contact page, Member Gallery page, Links Page, Tips and Tricks page, Contest/Critiques page, Schedule Page, and WACCO/PSA page. All of these pages help members stay up to date with club activities and also allows perspective new visitors to find out more about us.
Who is the target audience for your website?
This website is designed to help inform our current members, as well as let perspective new members find out more about us.
What is the advantage of your website over others?
I feel that I have included a lot of good information about us and our activities in a concise, organized manner. The website contains links to many other groups, organizations, and businesses that are relevant to our craft. I have visited many other camera club websites and I think we have a much more comprehensive website compared to other clubs of a similar size.
Tell us a story about this website.
Just the other day, one of our newer members mentioned to me that she really likes what I have done on the website. She mentioned that when she first joined our club a couple of years ago she was not too impressed with the site (it was pretty new at that time), but now really thinks it has a lot more content that helps her and other members to keep up with what we have going on. I might mention that this person went to school to learn coding to build websites, but hasn't done much in that are since finishing school. I on the other, hand have no formal training in website building, but with the great ease of use that Sandvox offers, I feel like I can compete with more traditional website designers and offer a great end product to my customers.
Why did you use this Sandvox design?
The design I used for the Focal Point Camera Club website really fit the look I wanted. It showcases pictures very well with the black backgrounds. It is simple and elegant in design with the page layout across the top in a very subtle manner, yet visible enough for the view to find and navigate through easily. I like the fact that I was able to add a custom banner to the page (although, I would like to see the option to have a different banner on each page). As I become more familiar with Sandvox I continue to find ways to make each page have a more custom look with out having to do any coding. I also like the fact that I am able to add forms as easily as I can, using the RAW html button under the Objects tab. All in all, I used this template because it really fit best with a website about photography.
What techniques did you use to build this website?
I really like using links to other sites, maps etc. I used some thumbnail images to link to different websites that have specific information about photography. I like to do this because I think it adds an extra "pop" over using just a "word" link. It doesn't work for everything, but I use it when I can.